马萨诸塞大学安姆斯特分校毕业证制作 University of Massachusetts Amherst Diploma

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University of Massachusetts Amherst Graduation certificate, undergraduate, master, doctor, transcript, certification, sample picture, diploma case
马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校(University of Massachusetts Amherst,简称UMass Amherst)始建于1863年美国马萨诸塞州的Amherst镇,是美国著名公立大学系统麻省大学中的一员,也是建校最早的校区,每年约有18,000大学生和6,000研究生,来自美国50个州及近100个其它国家。作为麻省大学系统的主导研究机构,该校在全球享有很高的学术声誉,2012年英国泰晤士高等教育大学排名中,该校在全球大学学术声誉100强排第36位,世界大学200强排第72位。同时,UMass Amherst作为一所独立的综合院校也是美国文理学院四大联盟之一的麻省五校联盟中的成员。
  麻省大学阿默斯特校区是麻省大学的主导研究机构,该校的中文译名有很多,麻省大学阿默斯特校区、麻省大学阿默斯特分校、马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校、麻省大学 Amherst分校、马萨诸塞大学安姆斯特分校、麻省大学安姆斯特分校、马萨诸塞大学阿姆赫斯特分校、麻省大学阿姆赫斯特分校、马萨诸塞大学安姆赫斯特分校、麻省大学安姆赫斯特分校、马萨褚塞大学阿默斯特分校等
  University of Massachusetts Amherst,简称 UMass Amherst
  地理位置:美国新英格兰地区马萨诸塞州(简称“麻省”)Amherst镇,Pioneer Valley(先锋谷)
  马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校University of Massachusetts Amherst,UMass Amherst由马萨诸塞州出资协助,是马萨诸塞大学系统中的旗舰分校区,属于研究型大学,并被授予美国“最佳公立大学”之一。学校的一大特色是为本科生提供了直接参与研究的机会。马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校University of Massachusetts Amherst每年有大约18,000大学生和6,000研究生,来自美国50个州及近100个其它国家,但大部分学生来自Massachusetts。学生能在大学的 10个本科学院及研究生院及近100个领域获得学士学位,6个领域的associate学位,68个领域的硕士学位,在50个领域获得博士学位。 UMass为大学生及研究生提供了70多个国外学习及学生交流机会,并且国外有近100多个教育机构。马萨诸塞大学Amherst校区提供服务与志愿机会。
  马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校University of Massachusetts Amherst图书馆与机房:W.E.B. DuBois图书馆是美国最高的图书馆,是世界上最高的学术图书馆,也是创新的建筑设计的代表作。它将书架并入结构性支架中。这里收藏着非洲裔美国人和马萨诸塞州本土政治家的回忆录,如国会议员Silvio O. Conte.收藏书籍包括Social change and movements for social change African American history and culture Labor, work, and industry Literature and the arts Agriculture The history of the region。综合科学与工程图书馆位于勒德尔研究生研究中心的2楼。雪莉格雷厄姆杜波伊斯图书馆在新非洲中心,生物科学图书馆在莫里尔馆,音乐储备实验室在美术中心。W.E.B. DuBois图书馆Learning Commons于2005年开放,提供了参考书、办公室的信息技术帮助台、学术咨询、写作中心、就业服务、用品和辅助技术中心。
  马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校体育设施:UMass Amherst分校是美国全国大学体育协会(NCAA)之一,是the Atlantic Ten Conference成员之一,同时也是曲棍球东部协会成员之一。该UMass - Amherst分校体育部目前主办国男子校际棒球,篮球,越野,冰球,足球,长曲棍球,滑雪,足球,游泳和田径。他们还赞助妇女校际篮球,垒球,越野,划船,滑雪,足球,游泳,曲棍球,田径和网球。在体育俱乐部提供大学男子摔跤,女子赛艇,男子橄榄球,女子橄榄球,男子和女子的自行车比赛。
  学校有几个重要性的现代建筑标志:有Marcel Breuer设计的校园中心、Hugh Stubbins Jr of Skidmore Owings and Merrill设计的西南居住设计等,这些建筑风格吸引了大量的学生和游客。目前正在建设建筑和艺术综合科学中心。
  马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校University of Massachusetts Amherst位于美国马萨诸塞州Amherst镇,美国东北部新英格兰地区一州,四周环绕小山、森林、湖泊以及草地,离开波士顿和纽约城只有几个小时。小镇东濒大西洋,面积 2.1万平方千米,人口644.9万(2007),首府波士顿。大部地区岗丘起伏,海蚀地貌与冰碛地貌广布,西北部是新英格兰高地的一部分,西北角的格雷洛克山海拔1064米,为全州最高点。海岸线曲折,多优良港湾。属温带大陆性气候,年平均降水量1000毫米。中部的阔宾水库,面积101平方千米,是城市用水的主要来源。州内有19条大河,最有名的是康涅狄格河、查尔斯河等。大、小湖泊池沼1200个。
  约瑟夫·哈代·那斯玛(Joseph Hardy Neesima^创立,而此人是日本第一个在西方受高等教育的人。
  UMass Amherst最不可忽视的优势之一便是五校联盟。Five College Consortium(Massachusetts),也称做麻省五校联盟,是美国文理学院四大联盟之一。它们位于西马萨诸塞州,包括4个文理学院和一个综合性大学。这些学校位置上相邻,彼此有公共汽车往返于各个校园。这几个学校彼此独立运行但互相联系。五个学校可以交叉注册,互相选课,学校鼓励到其他学校上课。五个学校的学生团体彼此交叉,运行公用电台。因此,虽然学生入学时是个小的文理学院,但是可以获得综合性大学的体验。五个学校包括:Amherst College, Hampshire College, Mount Holyoke College, Smith College, University of Massachusetts Amherst,同处Pioneer Valley(美国先锋谷),组成Five College Consortium。其中Amherst College是全美排名第一的文理学院(LAC)。Smith college是全美最好的女校联盟“七姊妹女子学院”之一,在美国声望显赫,MHC也是美国著名的女校,Hampshire College是一所新兴的一所学校,而UMass Amherst是其中唯一一个综合性大学。
  麻省大学阿默斯特校区历史悠久,至今有140多年的发展历史。作为麻省大学系统里一个独立的研究型院校,该校在国际上享有很高的声誉:在2011年英国泰晤士高等教育(Times Higher Education,简称THE),即THE世界大学排名,全球大学学术声誉100强(WORLD REPUTATION RANK)第19位,世界大学200强(WORLD RANK)第56位,2012年THE世界大学排名,全球大学学术声誉100强第36位,世界大学200强第72位;上海交通大学世界大学学术排名(ARWU),2012年工程/技术与计算机科学世界百强大学排名51-75,2012年世界大学学术排名五百强101-150;2012年U.S. News美国大学综合排名94,2013年U.S. News美国大学综合排名97。
  2011年U.S. News全美各专业研究生院排名,
  2012年U.S. News全美各专业研究生院排名,
  2013年U.S. News全美各专业研究生院排名,
  Joseph Hooton Taylor,诺贝尔物理学奖获得者,麻省大学物理系教授
  Russell Alan Hulse,诺贝尔物理学家获得者,1975年麻省大学物理学博士
  杰克·韦尔奇(Jack Welch),通用电气公司前首席执行官,毕业于麻省大学波士顿校区
  Paul Harding,1992年毕业于麻省大学,普利策奖奖获得者
  Herbert Bix,1960年毕业于麻省大学,普利策奖奖获得者
  马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校University of Massachusetts Amherst的商学院下设六个系:会计和信息系统;金融和运营管理;旅游管理;管理;市场;运动管理;商业沟通。UMass Amherst分校在《普林斯顿评论》上MBA课程被高度评价。大学由以下学院组成:公益学院(州的荣誉学院)、教育学院、工程学院、食品与自然资源学院、人文与美术学院、Isenberg管理学院、护理学院、自然科学与数学学院、公共卫生 与健康学院、社会与行为科学院及研究生院。
SAT Math569SAT  Verbal558
本科学费/年$19,317  硕士学费$19,317  
本科总费用/年$35,187  硕士总费用/年$35,187  
  留学费用:21600.0 美元
  留学费用:21600.0 美元
  Commonwealth College
  The Commonwealth College (ComCol) is the honors college at UMass. The honors college provides students the opportunity to intensify their UMass academic curriculum. The requirements of the college are to complete a set number of the required classes for one's major at the honors level as well as complete a senior year thesis or capstone project and several Dean's book courses. Completion of the ComCol courseload is required in order to graduate the University with higher Latin honors designations, such as magna or summa cum laude. Graduates with Grade Point Averages of higher than 3.2 on a 4.0 scale receive the Latin honor cum laude whether they are members of the ComCol or not. ComCol provides honors students an additional community of students to interact with outside of their academic department.
  The W.E.B. DuBois library is the tallest library in the United States and the tallest academic library in the world. It is also well regarded for its innovative architectural design, which incorporates the bookshelves into the structural support of the building. It is home of the memoirs and papers of the distinguished African-American activist and Massachusetts native W. E. B. Du Bois as well as being the depository for other important collections, such as the papers of the late Congressman Silvio O. Conte.
  Special Collections include Social change and movements for social change African American history and culture Labor, work, and industry Literature and the arts Agriculture The history of the region.
  The W.E.B. DuBois Library is also notable for being home to the Learning Commons,opened in 2005. The Learning Commons provides a central location for resources provided by several departments across campus including Library Reference, Office of Information Technologies help desk, Academic Advising, Writing Center, Career Services, and Assistive Technologies Center. The Learning Commons has 164 computers with a broad range of software installed arranged in a variety of configurations for both individual and collaborative work. The library has all sorts of services including tutoring, writing workshops, and supplemental instruction scattered among its 26 floors. The building itself is so large that it needs a security force. That security force is the Building Monitor Desk. The desk is managed by various supervisors and student employees.
  The Integrated Sciences and Engineering Library is the other main library on campus. It is located on the 2nd floor of the Lederle Graduate Research Center (occasionally referred to as the Lederle "low rise").
  UMass Amherst is home to the DEFA Film Library, the only archive and study collection of East German films outside of Europe.
  Other libraries include the Shirley Graham Du Bois Library in New Africa House, the Biological Sciences Library in Morrill Hall, and the Music Reserve Lab in the Fine Arts Center.
  Ranking and reputation
  U.S. News and World Report's 2008 edition of America's Best Colleges ranked UMass Amherst as one of the top 100 universities in the nation, placing it at #96, and ranking it the joint 46th amongst Public Universities.The Times Higher Education Supplement ranked UMass Amherst as the 175th best university in the world.The MBA program is highly ranked by the Princeton Review.
  Student life
  Registered Student Organizations
  UMass Amherst has many registered student organizations (RSOs). Most RSOs are funded by the Student Government Association (SGA), from the activity fee that all students pay, however, the SGA has oft been criticized for not funding all clubs fully or equally. In recent years, the fee has been about $81. In order to start an RSO, one needs a group of at least 8 interested students, who then petition the SGA for recognition. Each semester, the SGA reviews RSOs, and those which have too few members are considered inactive. Club Sports, which are non-NCAA athletic or organized sports teams, are considered RSOs.
  On May 6 of 2008, the Center for Student Development hosted an awards show entitled The Sammies for the second time. The Sammies is designed to allow RSOs to give awards to other outstanding RSOs. Over 50 different awards were presented to student leaders and exemplary RSO in more than 20 categories. Among the winners was the Umass International Relations Club which garnered the coveted "Best RSO of the Year" award.
  Student government
  The Student Government Association (SGA) is the undergraduate student governmental body, and provides funding for the many registered student organizations (RSOs) and agencies, including the Student Legal Services Office (SLSO) and the Student Center for Educational Research and Advocacy (SCERA). The SGA also makes formal recommendations on matters of Administration policy and advocates for undergraduate students to the Administration, non-student organizations, and local and state government.
  The SGA has three branches: the President and Executive Cabinet, the Undergraduate Student Senate, and the Student Judiciary.
  Area governments There are a total of six area governments. Each of the campus's six residential areas has an area government, and there is also a Commuter Area Government to serve commuter students. Area governments provide social programming for their areas, and are in charge of the house councils for the dorms in their area. They also represent the needs and interests of students in their areas to the Administration, Housing Services, and the SGA.
  Area Governments have a tradition of sponsoring large events, generally in the Spring, such as Fill the Hill, Bowl Weekend and Southwest Week.
  House councils Each residence hall or residential "cluster" (a group of residence halls) at UMass Amherst has a house council. House councils report to their respective area governments. Its budget comes from voluntary dues collected in return for access to common supplies (access to the kitchenette, rental access to vacuums, brooms, games, etc). House councils also engage in social programming for their halls or clusters, and advocate to housing staff in regards to concerns of students in their hall/cluster.
  Army ROTC
  The Minuteman Battalion is one of the permiere Army ROTC battalions in the Army. Boasting a program that annually performs well above national averages and among the top handful of programs in the northeast USA, Army ROTC recently enjoyed the announcement of a senior Cadet being named the #1 Cadet in the nation in a national class of over 4,000 Cadets. UMass has earned this prestigious achievement twice in the last 15 years. The training program is among the best at preparing officers for the US Army and commissionees regularly outperform their peers in initial Army officer training. Active on the Amherst campus, the program's Scabbard and Blade community service club is very active and represents UMass well throughout the year with food drives, assistance to local veteran's groups and assistance with the Medical Readiness Corps at UMass in preparing for large-scale medical disasters. The most unusual activity associated with Army ROTC is the Light Leader's Tactical Society, in which Cadets train in dynamic real-world environments and scenarios. Most students are on a full tuition scholarship. UMass-Amherst is the host program for the Pioneer Valley and Five Colleges Army ROTC programs including: Smith College, Mount Holyoke College, Amherst College, Hampshire College, Western New England College (WNEC), Springfield College, Westfield State College and American International College (AIC). At AIC and WNEC, students on Army ROTC Scholarships also earn free room and board.
  Marching band
  Main article: University of Massachusetts Minuteman Marching Band
  UMass Amherst has the largest marching band in New England. The Minuteman Marching Band consists of over 360 members and regularly plays at football games. The band is led by George N. Parks. The Minuteman Band also won the prestigious Sudler Trophy in 1998 for excellence. The band is well known across the nation for its style and excellence, particularly for its percussion UMass Drumline and tuba sections UMass Tubas. The band also performs in various other places like Allentown, Pennsylvania, Bands of America, Boston, and on occasion Montreal.
  Fraternities and Sororities
  UMass is home to numerous fraternities and sororities, organized under four councils: IFC, NPC, NPHC, and the MGC. Several Greek Life organizations had houses on North Pleasant Streetuntil Alpha Tau Gamma, Inc. who owned the property for many years, did not renew the leases. The North Pleasant Street houses were colloquially known as Frat Row. Most of Alpha Tau Gamma Properties' houses were out of code and were razed November, 2006. The land was then sold to the University.Currently several sororities & fraternities still live in "Frat Row" including Sigma Delta Tau, Alpha Kappa Alpha, Pi Kappa Alpha, Iota Gamma Upsilon, Phi Sigma Kappa and Theta Chi. Behind "Frat Row" or North Pleasant Street there are more sorority houses such as Sigma Kappa, Kappa Kappa Gamma, and Alpha Chi Omega. Two other houses Chi Omega and Sigma Phi Epsilon are situated on Olympia Drive, on the northern outskirts of the campus. Delta Upsilon is also situated on North Pleasant Street just past Lederle and Totman. Alpha Epsilon Pi is also on campus. Alpha Epsilon Pirecently relocated to Sunset Ave, and Pi Kappa Alpha returned to campus in Spring of '07.
  Several organizations do not have houses, such as Pi Kappa Phi, Alpha Epsilon Phi, and the NPHC, and the MGC fraternities and sororities.
  The Greek community has several annual traditions, including 'UDance', the Relay for Life and the annual Greek Week, during which the various fraternities are partnered with sororities, and these teams compete with each other throughout a week of challenges.
  The Daily Collegian
  The student-operated newspaper, The Daily Collegian, is published Monday through Friday during the University of Massachusetts' calendar semester. The Collegian is independently funded, operating on advertising revenue. Founded in 1890, the paper began as Aggie Life, became the College Signal in 1901, the Weekly Collegian in 1914 and the Tri-Weekly Collegian in 1956. Published daily since 1967, the Collegian has been broadsheet since January 1994.
专业学位 院系专业 Agriculture Agricultural Economics Crop Production Equestrian Studies Applied Horticulture/Horticulture Operations Landscaping and Groundskeeping Turf and Turfgrass Management Applied Horticulture/Horticultural Business Services Related Animal Sciences Food Science Plant Sciences Architecture Architecture Environmental Design/Architecture Landscape Architecture Area and ethnic studies Near and Middle Eastern Studies Russian Studies German Studies African American/Black Studies Biological/life sciences Biology/Biological Sciences Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Microbiology Exercise Physiology Business/marketing Business Administration and Management Operations Management Accounting Finance Hospitality Administration Marketing/Marketing Management Communication/Journalism Speech Communication and Rhetoric Journalism Computer and information sciences Computer Science Construction trades Building Construction Technology Education Education Engineering Chemical Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical and Electronics Engineering Mechanical Engineering Industrial Engineering English English Foreign languages and literature Linguistics Comparative Literature Chinese Japanese French Italian Portuguese Spanish Classics and Classical Languages Health professions and related sciences Communication Sciences and Disorders Pre-Dentistry Studies Pre-Medical Studies Pre-Veterinary Studies Public Health Registered Nursing/Registered Nurse History History Interdisciplinary studies Biological and Physical Sciences Nutrition Sciences Multi/Interdisciplinary Studies Related Law/legal studies Legal Studies Liberal arts/general studies General Studies Humanities Liberal Arts and Sciences and Humanities Related Mathematics and statistics Mathematics Natural resources/environmental science Natural Resources/Conservation Environmental Science Parks and recreation Sport And Fitness Administration/Management Philosophy and religious studies Philosophy Jewish/Judaic Studies Physical sciences Astronomy Chemistry Geology/Earth Science Physics Psychology Psychology Social sciences Anthropology Economics Geography Political Science and Government Sociology Social Sciences Related Visual and performing arts Dance Dramatic/Theater Arts Fine/Studio Arts Art History, Criticism and Conservation Music Music Performance 入学要求 申请信息   SAT:1800以下
申请要求   SAT:1800以下  托福:90以下
是否需要SSAT成绩 未知
录取率 66%
申请截止时间 January 1
托福成绩 80
雅思成绩 6
SAT总成绩 1130-1310
SAT数学考试成绩 0-0
SAT阅读考试成绩 0-0
SAT写作考试成绩 0-0
ACT综合考试成绩 25-30
ACT数学考试成绩 0-0
ACT英语考试成绩 0-0
校园生活 费用情况
全日制费用 $30,123
是否提供校内住宿 未知
学校地址:Amherst, MA 学校网址:http://www.umass.edu/